Mick Foley
Publication Date:
October 1999
Blurb on the Back:
(Yes Yes i know its not actually a blurb but a picture makes more sense than me writing just a list of random injuries.)
Note: This is a repost of a blog I did on May 10th 2013. It is on a blog I no longer use.
This is probably the most famous 30 seconds of Mick Foleys career
It's testament to this book that it is currently in two bits held together by electrical tape on my lap. I am a self confessed wrestling fan, it's my soap. It's Eastenders only not as violent and one of my all time favourite wrestlers is none other than Mick Foley AKA Cactus Jack AKA Mankind AKA Dude Love.
Now when I first picked up this book I expected it to be another ghostwritten half arsed attempt at describing a career in professional wrestling like some of the books before it, however Mick not only wrote this book, but he wrote about wrestling in an extremely open and honest way which hadn't been done up until that point.
His stories will make you laugh, make you cry and make you grimace in pain as he recounts stories from the road, of injuries, of death and of family. his devotion to his family stands out while his passion for entertaining people in any way possible shines through on each page.
It is very surprising how vivid Mick’s memory is, especially given how many chair shots to the head he has had over the years, and when reading this book, you can imagine yourself with him in the past, watching the events unfold.
The events from losing his ear to "that match" (see above), to his first title win which turned the tide in the Monday Night Wars. It's all here and for a fan who grew up in the Attitude Era its a must read. His sequel Foley is good will be reviewed at some point once I have managed to stick the pages back together and in order.
Rereading the book it brings back fond memories of when I discovered wrestling and the reasons (such as Mankind and The Undertaker) why I enjoy it so much.
10 out of 10 a faultless journey into the life of a funny and intelligent writer, performer and now Hall of Famer.
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